Friday, July 01, 2005

The Dangers Of Mountain Climbing

There are dangers involved in climbing Alaska's Mt. McKinley, according to an article. On the Daily Show, Jon Stewart mentioned something to the effect that this is an oversight on the part of nature not to have installed toilets on the mountain. I wish the major news outlets would have given more coverage to this very important story.


Blogger Troy said...

Some people have been directed to this site by querying "the dangers of mountain climbing" in search engines. I advise would-be mountaineers to move on. I have no advice, other than to go for it.
The post used to have an article about a problem on Alaska's Mount McKinley but the link has disappeared so I took it off the page. It seems that lots of mountain climbers have had to poop while climbing Mt. McKinley. So there is a lot of frozen feces up and down the mountain side. This blog is about poo and not mountain climbing, unfortunately.
But if you like scatalogical humor, stay a while.

2:44 PM  

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